Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said today that the Lok Satta Party is engaged in an unequal fight with traditional parties. “The Lok Satta views politics as a noble endeavor and believes in powerful ideas and a practicable agenda to transform the lives of people. On these issues, agenda and building a new political culture there is no competition from others with the Lok Satta. In contrast, the traditional parties repose their faith in distributing money and liquor, exploit caste and religion and offer temporary sops. The Lok Satta will not compete with them in following those practices.”
Addressing party activists from the Malakpet Assembly constituency, Dr. JP said the country is ripe for basic changes. “For the first time in India’s history, people all over the country have come to believe that the political system is rotten and needs to be replaced. Although they believe that the Lok Satta Party has the will, determination and competence to usher in fundamental changes, people doubt whether the party will make it in the elections. But together we can, if we use our ballot as our weapon.”
Dr. JP pointed out that a vote to any party other than the Lok Satta would go waste. “By voting for any traditional party, people will be falling from the frying pan into the fire. It is time the people decided whether they want any of the three families belonging to the three traditional parties in the State to win the 2009 elections or the people to win.
Dr. M. Panduranaga Rao, who is contesting from the Malakpet Assembly constituency on the Lok Satta ticket, spoke. Dr. Panduranga Rao, who retired as the CEO of a multinational company, has plunged into politics, inspired by Dr. JP. He is also the founder President of a voluntary organization, Manava Vikasa Kendra.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Engaged in unequal fight: Dr. JP
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