Saturday, February 28, 2009
Who gave powers to trouble 40 Lakh Passengers?
Beware of false leaders, warns Lok Satta
The Lok Satta Party today cautioned people to beware of leaders who are trying to come to power by making hypocritical promises, indulging in personal invective and spending tons of black money.
Talking to the media, party spokesperson S. Manorama and Mahila Lok Satta State Coordinator Saroja Devi referred to former Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu’s promise to shut belt shops, the unprintable vituperations indulged in by State women leaders of the Telugu Desam and Praja Rayam Parties, and CMS estimate of the money to be spent by contestants on buying votes in the coming elections.
They said that Mr. Chandrababu Naidu, the architect of the belt shop culture, was trying to take the women for a ride by promising to shut them down even as he winks at belt shops run by his own party people now and refuses to commit himself against deploying liquor to seduce voters. The top women leaders of the Praja Rajyam and the Telugu Desam have demonstrated what sort of standards people can expect if women and men of their ilk were to be elected.
On the CMS study, the Lok Satta leaders said its estimate unveiled only the tip of the iceberg of black money parties are going to spend in the ensuing elections. It will be in the range of Rs.15000 crore – Rs.20,000 crore all over the country and not Rs.8,000 crore. Should people part with their precious vote for a paltry Rs.500 or Rs.1000 and enable a legislator in a State like Andhra Pradesh to lord over the Rs.2,35,000 to be spent by the Government on each voter in the coming five years?
The Lok Satta leaders appealed to people to exercise their franchise wisely since the elections concerned their future and not the fortunes of politicians or their parties.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Dr. YSR guilty of impropriety: Lok Satta
Chief Minister Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy has thrown constitutional proprieties and democratic norms to the winds in his feverish bid to return to power at any cost, charged the Lok Satta Party today.
Issuance of 844 Government orders in 72 hours in the twilight of its term and on the eve of elections exposes Government’s scant regard for propriety. That the Government was burning midnight oil to favor its cronies reflected its insecurity over the election outcome, pointed out party spokesman P. Ravi Maruth and Secretary P. Bhaskara Rao.
Talking to the media, the Lok Satta leaders said that most of the orders were meant to benefit Government followers and supporters and not the common man, highlighting Dr. YSR’s claim that he was not given to saying a ‘no’ to any favor sought from him. In the process, the Chief Minister is squandering precious Government resources forgetting that he is the custodian of public interest.
The Lok Satta leaders said that the Government, which had hitherto encouraged or ignored encroachment of Government lands by its cronies, now stooped to monopolize even newspaper front pages to give personal publicity to Dr. YSR at the cost of the exchequer.
The Congress Government has hit the nadir in its pursuit of politics of impropriety, said Mr. Ravi Maruth and Mr. Bhaskara Rao.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Govt. claims on irrigation project stall: Lok Satta
The Lok Satta today faulted Chief Minister Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy for claiming that only his Government had the capacity to construct irrigation projects and that the activity would come to a halt if it was not re-elected to power.
Talking to the media, party spokesman P. Ravi Maruth and Secretary P. Bhaskara Rao pointed out that the Government had not completed a single large irrigation project in the last five years. The Government had merely succeeded in awarding project after project to chosen contractors only to make money in the process. In addition, it had taken up many unviable lift irrigation schemes which would turn white elephants to the State’s economy. It had squandered scarce resources on providing short-term sops with an eye on the electoral dividends, and not focused on the downturn in the economy and the consequent job losses and suffering.
The alacrity with the Government sanctioned funds to be spent under rural infrastructure development in the next two years showed that the ruling party was eager to come to power at any cost.
Mr. Ravi Maruth and Mr. Bhaskara Rao wanted the people to be alert about the Government’s misleading campaign and vote with discretion in the upcoming elections.
The spokesmen disclosed that the party would be releasing the third list of about 50 candidates contesting the Assembly elections this week. The party’s screening committee reviewed the large number of applications and short listed them for a decision by the political committee.
Dr.JP in Osmania University
The team of MECHARENA 09 - National Level Technical Symposium (Conducted by the department of Mechanical Engineering, Osmania University) is organising a guest speech to be addressed by Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan on The Role of Youth in Nation Building and efforts to be made for the penetration of Technology into villages.
Date: Feb 28th, 2009
Timing: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Venue: University College of Engg, Osmania University
For details, please check www.mecharena.org. (Registration may be required to attend the talk.)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Traditional parties ignoring grave Economic crisis: Dr. JP
That nearly ten lakh of people have applied for 850 odd Group IV posts advertised by the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission and that thousands of people had to go disappointed even without getting an entry into the GHMCs mega job mela in Hyderabad testify to the serious economic crisis the State is going through, said Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today.
Addressing a media meet, Dr. JP regretted that traditional party politicians have not bothered to understand either the nature or the magnitude of the crisis. Instead they are focusing all their energies and efforts on indulging in mutual abuse and vituperation.
Dr. JP pointed out that rapid economic growth in the country for almost a decade had created lakhs of jobs in the services sector. With the economy slowing down and exports slackening, lakhs of people in sectors ranging from information technology and IT enabled services to construction and manufacturing have been losing their jobs and livelihood. The global economic meltdown has led to developed countries shutting their doors on people from countries like India and Indians working in Gulf countries beating a retreat following loss of jobs in construction and allied sectors.
The Lok Satta President suggested that the Government take up immediately three massive programs to combat despair and growing unemployment among the youth.
The Government should take up a comprehensive program to provide free and quality education to all students and health care to every single family by associating the private sector and providing freedom to people to choose the facilitator. Such a program will create a large number of jobs in the two sectors and relieve families of their crippling financial burden. Had there been such a program, a woman would not have been forced to sell her just-born to meet expenses and bribes in the Kothagudem Government hospital, he added.
The Government should undertake a massive – not a token – program to provide and upgrade job oriented skills to about 20 lakh people in the State. The training, lasting 3-12 months, should be free and trainees provided a stipend of Rs.1500 per month. Placements in the private sector should form an integral part of the program.
The Government should immediately launch a program to build 1000 new towns with all urban amenities to serve as economic and marketing hubs. Such towns will help create about 5000 jobs each or a total of 50 lakh jobs in the State. A large number of villages are almost depopulated as all the able-bodied have migrated to big towns and cities in search of work and livelihood. Once the new towns are created, rural people will migrate to them in course of time.
Dr. JP said that the 2009 elections should be fought on issues like jobs, agricultural incomes and eradication of poverty. Any further delay in addressing the problems staring the nation in the face will prove catastrophic to the poor and the unemployed youth.
Dr. JP appealed to the youth to use the upcoming elections as an instrument to change the nature of politics since the elections involved their future. Elections are not about the fortunes of political parties or politicians but about the future of the country and the people. Therefore, they should not be swayed by considerations of caste or religion, money or liquor, or short-term sops.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Violence counter-productive : Lok Satta tells MRPS
The Lok Satta Party today voiced its deep concern over the MRPS (Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi) agitation, demanding introduction of a Bill in Parliament for categorization of SCs, turning violent and inconveniencing the public.
Talking to the media, party Secretaries Bhaskara Rao and Vijayender Reddy said that while no one could question the sincerity of MRPS leader Manda Krishna Madiga in fighting for Madigas’ legitimate interests, the means he pursued defeated the end he had in mind. “You cannot promote the interests of the downtrodden by resorting to unconstitutional means,” they added.
The Lok Satta leaders suggested that the MRPS come out of the trap laid by the Congress and the TDP to exploit the Madiga caste and work out for a broader solution under which all those who had benefited from reservations were denied further reservations and the deserving got the reservation benefit.
The Lok Satta pointed out that only five percent of SCs study beyond high school and are able to enjoy reservations in higher education whereas 95 percent enjoyed no benefits. The MRPS should, therefore, concern itself with the other 95 percent of SCS also. A solution lies in ensuring quality education in English medium including computer courses to all irrespective of caste up to Class XII in all private and Government schools. Thereafter, students from rural areas and those belonging to the poorer sections in urban areas should be given bonus marks of 10 percent in competitive examinations for admission to higher education so that they can compete with their counterparts from private schools and richer sections. It will benefit all disadvantaged sections. All those who are desirous and deserving of higher education should be enabled to pursue it with Government funding. A similar policy can be adopted in recruitment to jobs also.
The Lok Satta solution would provide growth opportunities for every one irrespective of his religion and caste, put an end to caste clashes and pave way for a casteless society.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Secularism does not lie in sops to Muslims: Dr. JP
Secularism does not mean doling out of subsidies and making reservations to minorities in elections or educational institutions or jobs, Lok Satta President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said here today.
Addressing some 500 Muslims, who had come in a procession from Jubilee Hills to the party headquarters and joined the party, Dr. JP said secularism meant providing equal opportunities for all irrespective of their religion or caste.
Pointing out that 80 percent of patients who throng Government hospitals in places like Hyderabad happen to be Muslims, Dr. JP said that attempts should be made to guarantee them quality health care and education, job-oriented skills and livelihood security. Dr. JP said he was happy that a large number of Muslims had chosen to join the Lok Satta Party in the belief that there could be no improvement in their lives until there was total political transformation.
Mr. Mohammed Ishaq Khan, who led the rally of Muslims, said it was their conviction that Lok Satta policies would contribute to Muslims’ development that made them take active membership in the party. Among those who took part in the meeting were Mr. Mohd. Abdul Khadir, Mr. Mohd. Mujibuddin Shakir, Lok Satta Party Secretary Vijayender Reddy, Lok Satta candidates Mrs. Pratibha Rao and Mrs. Subhashini contesting from the Jubilee Hills and Khairatabad constituencies respectively to the Assembly.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Jamal Mecklai: The Party Party
Politicians everywhere have lost the plot. The Congress Party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the US, the Conservative Party and the Labour Party in the UK, and so on — ALL of them have the word party in their name. Clearly, politics is supposed to be a party, and, like all parties, it’s supposed to be fun.
And when it is fun, it really changes things. Look at the Obama campaign, for instance. People working on it were having a blast. They were so excited because they believed they were changing things — and, indeed, they were. Using a strong understanding of technology and every (clean) trick in the book, they steamrolled the political establishment in the US. It felt like — and it was — a revolution.
Obama himself was merely the leader. While not taking anything away from his personal capability, skills and integrity, he won because it was time for a change, not the other way around.
Well, guess what? In India, IT’S WAY PAST TIME FOR A CHANGE. I don’t think there’s anybody that would disagree with that.
So, I have decided, following on the point I started with, that to bring about this change, I am going to float a new political entity: THE PARTY PARTY. Everybody is invited; indeed, everybody is de facto a member, which makes us the largest political party in the world — with something over six billion members.
So, come on down! We are in process of fundamental change. What we will create is very simple: a government that is completely responsive to the people. This covers everything — no criminals in politics, zero corruption, greater equity of opportunity, etc etc.
And, not to forget, we need to have fun while bringing about this change. The good news is that I’ve found just the event organizer to make this happen. Lok Satta, a social service organization, founded some 15 years ago by Dr Jayaprakash Narayan in Andhra Pradesh, has recently floated a political party, which understands that politics has to be fun.
It is, of course, supremely skilled from a technical standpoint, and understands very clearly the structural changes that are needed to get to a 100 per cent responsive government. For instance, the first past the post system of elections we currently use is a direct cause of much of the unaccounted money in politics. Since it’s an all or nothing race, political parties stoop to any level — buying votes, intimidating voters, and more — to capture the prize. If instead we had proportional representation, a large part of this need for money would disappear. And if this need disappeared, much of the need for “black” money in the economy would disappear.
And, guess what? Proportional representation is already permitted in the Indian Constitution — in fact, the first two elections (1950 and 1954) were run in that way. So, this will be one plank for sustainable change.
Another key requirement is to ensure internal democracy in political parties. Today, the party boss (or high command) decides who gets the ticket, usually (or often) depending on money changing hands. Thus, only rich — and, often criminally rich — people get seats to represent us. It usually has nothing to do with us. This has to change.
Structurally different from any other party in India, Lok Satta already has a democratic system in place. Aspiring candidates will first be vetted by an independent election commission, after which they will have to run in primaries (like in the US elections) with party members voting to decide who will be selected to represent us in the general election.
And, of course, we need to change the way Bombay is run. Everybody understands that cities need to have autonomous, accountable governments. Lok Satta has already developed a bill to enable this, but none of the party-is-God governments in power could even think about accepting it, because it would undermine the power of the state chief ministers and then who would bring in the much-needed bucks?
Undercutting the need for bucks might open this door, but, in addition, Lok Satta has been proposing direct election of state chief ministers, which would link the electorate directly with the representative and foster greater accountability.
Greater accountability and making government truly representative of the people is the singularly most important piece of Lok Satta’s programme. To this end, there are already party volunteers working in each of the 40 polling stations in the municipal corporator ward won by Adolph D’souza in 2007 (with Lok Satta’s support). The volunteers monitor the needs and what is going on in their respective areas, and communicate this information to Adolph in monthly meetings, who, in turn, raises these issues in the Corporation.
This is what government is supposed to be — a system that listens to what the people want, selects fairly between conflicting needs, and implements its final decision in an efficient and transparent way.
Change is already happening, and, as a member of the Party Party, you are part of the change. Contact me or info@loksattaparty.com to get more involved.
The party’s just starting and don’t forget your dancing shoes. Just make sure you’re ready to have more fun than you’ve ever had in your life.
Andhra Rajakeeyam
Business Standard
Dr.JP's live program "Prajalatho JP" in TV5
Please see the program and motivate your family members, friends and like minded colleagues to watch the program.
Traditional parties hypocritical On social justice: Dr. JP
Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today accused the traditional parties of chanting the social justice mantra to corner votes in the ensuing elections and not to render justice to the downtrodden sections.
Traditional party Governments have deliberately chosen not to transfer powers, resources and personnel to local self-governments simply because the downtrodden and women have a say in their functioning thanks to reservations, Dr. JP told a conference on social justice. Had they been social justice votaries, they would have devolved powers on local bodies.
Representatives of SCs, STs, BCs, minorities and women from various districts attended the conference held at the Lok Satta Party headquarters. Messrs Syed Jahanuddin, Akurati Muralikrishna, Jupally Satyanarayana, Vijay Singh, J. Irammurthy, Satish Gowd and Gajanani were among the leaders who took part in the conference.
The Lok Satta President pointed out that there could be no social justice so long as parties remained private properties of certain families, which have mastered the art of catalyzing politics into business. The dynastic political enterprises would not allow power to slip from their fingers by enabling the disadvantaged to have a say in the functioning of parties or governments. That’s why these parties have ceased to function democratically.
The political enterprises make social justice impossible also by indulging in corruption and siphoning of the scarce resources to enrich themselves at the cost of the deserving downtrodden. They also deny social justice by centralizing power in their hands as decentralization might give a say to weaker sections and come in the way of corruption.
In this connection, Dr. JP referred to the Switzerland Government’s decision to relax bank secrecy provisions and allow access to American tax evaders’ secret bank accounts to the U. S. Government. Reports say that Indians had secreted as much as US $70 billion in Swiss banks, but politicians as a class have chosen not to pursue the black money trail.
Dr. JP pointed out that the political enterprises have developed a vested interest in perpetuating poverty since they will have a ready reservoir of poor people who can be hired as political workers or serve as vote banks.
Dr. JP said Governments fiddling with categories of backward classes or shifting some to the ST list did not amount to social justice. He recalled that the architects of the Constitution envisaged a society in which every one enjoyed equal rights. But because of rotten politics, the weaker sections had been deprived of their rights. The Constitution did provide reservations for certain sections for a definite period but politicians see virtue in continuing them forever so that they can set can set one caste against another and reap political advantage.
“Real social justice could be ensured only when every one has access to quality education, health care, employment opportunities and social security. That is possible only when the political system is cleansed thoroughly. Kerala is a standing example to the role education plays in uplifting any community. If Ezhavas, one of the most backward communities once, have developed, they owe it to Narayan Guru, who promoted education among them. The present Kerala Chief Minister belongs to that community.
Dr. JP said that internal democracy in parties and proportional representation to all castes and classes, genuine decentralization of power and an agenda that helps people stand on their own feet alone would ensure social justice.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Lok Satta is a non-violent Naxalite party: Dr. JP
“Ours is a non-violent Naxalite party wedded to ushering in a society that does not discriminate anybody on the basis of religion or caste, region or language or economic status”, declared Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today.
Releasing the party’s second list of 20 candidates contesting the ensuing elections to the Legislative Assembly, Dr. JP disclosed that Mr. Sudhakar Babu contesting from Rampachodavaram in East Godavari district is former extremist who had wielded arms earlier. He had joined the Lok Satta Party and come forward to contest believing in the party philosophy that a ballot is much more lethal than a bullet in changing the course of politics and history.
Pointing out that 13 of the 20 candidates named today belong to SC, ST, and BC communities, Dr. JP said that the Lok Satta Party is the only one that is committed to ensuring social justice. Social justice did not lie in fielding corrupt, crooked and criminal politicians or their kin belonging to weaker sections. Social justice means ensuring equal education, health care and employment opportunities and social security to all without any discrimination on grounds of religion, caste, region or language or their social and economic status. It means enabling citizens to stand on their own feet and not making them mendicants. It implies treating every one as equal before law and it warrants proportional representation to SCs, STs, minorities and women who have been denied justice for centuries.
“Ten of the 20candidates are young people, and they have not been chosen for their pedigree or family. The Lok Satta alone provides space and opportunity to young people sans political dynasties.”
Dr. JP expressed satisfaction over the representation the party has given to weaker sections on International Day for Social Justice today. “We strive to practice what we preach today, unlike other parties”, he added.
Dr. JP said there are innumerable people in society known for their integrity, competence and leadership and who detest the present day politics ridden with corruption and family rule. It is time they plunged into politics instead of sitting on the fence. Silence of good people is much more dangerous than misdeeds of bad people when the future of our children hinges on the nature of politics. Asking them to avail of the platform provided by the Lok Satta, Dr. JP said: “We don’t you ask to which caste or religion you belong so long as you have leadership qualities and integrity and are committed to changing politics.”
Dr, JP said the stakes in the coming elections are high. “The incoming Government will be spending about Rs.7 lakh crore in the next five years. If we assume that three crore voters will exercise their franchise, the Government expenditure on each voter works out to Rs.2,30,000. Should the voter then sell his precious vote for a paltry Rs.500 or Rs. 1000 or a bottle of liquor?”
In response to a question, Dr. JP said that a large number of traditional party leaders had indeed made tons of money, some shrewdly and silently and some others openly and crudely, some centralizing the operation and some others decentralizing it. “The difference between leaders of different parties is one of degree but not of kind. It is true there are leaders of impeccable integrity among all traditional parties who themselves are grieved over the present day corrupt culture.”
Dr. JP called for an effective institutional mechanism to fight corruption, since trivializing it with exchange of personal allegations would lead people nowhere. He suggested constitution of special courts to go into allegations of corruption against people in public office and confiscation of properties of the guilty; formation of transparent and accountable district governments with citizen’s charters and attendant penalties and a commitment by all political parties not to induce voters with money and liquor.
Dr. JP recalled that Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee was so distressed about the current day politicians that he wanted all of them to be defeated in the coming elections as their conduct in the House was shameful.
The coming election provides a historic opportunity to all who would like to see a new dawn in their and their children’s lives, Dr. JP added. “The election in 2009 is a fight between traditional parties and private enterprise, which treat politics as commerce and private enterprise, and the people whose future is at stake. In this struggle, the Lok Satta is fighting on behalf of the people against forces of corruption and status quoism. Now is the time for people to shed despair and come out and be counted.”
The following is the second list of candidates released by the Lok Satta Party today:
S.No | Name | Constituency | District |
1 | Malayadri.G | Tirupathi | Chittoor |
2 | K.V.Satya Prasad | Kakinada Urban | East Godavari |
3 | Sudhakara Babu | Rampa Chodavaram | East Godawari |
4 | Jashwant Reddy | Uppal | GHMC |
5 | Chintaboina Vinod | Amberpet | GHMC |
6 | Solkar Reddy | Rajendra Nagar | GHMC |
7 | B.Uma Maheshwar Reddy | Tenali | Guntur |
8 | V.A.Krishna Iyengar | Gurajala | Guntur |
9 | M.V.Nageswara Rao | Machilipatnam | Krishna |
10 | Raja Ramakrishna Varma | Jaggaiahpeta | Krishna |
11 | Venkatesh K.G. | Aadhoni | Kurnool |
12 | Suryanarayana.B | Emmiganuru | Kurnool |
13 | Anjaneyulu.C | Mantralayam | Kurnool |
14 | Murali Srinivas | Gadwal | Mahaboobnagar |
15 | G. Venkata Ramana Reddy | Nalgonda | Nalgonda |
16 | Pratap Sivaratri | Kamareddy | Nizamabad |
17 | Manikyamba | Araku | Visakhapatnam |
18 | Balanna Dora | Paderu | Visakhapatnam |
19 | Jhansi Ravala | Visakha (E) | Visakhapatnam |
20 | Bhagavathi Rao Jerripothula | Visakha (S) | Visakhapatnam |
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Lok Satta unit formed in U. K.
Non-resident Indians in the United Kingdom drawn from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa and other States have formed ‘Lok Satta UK,’ impressed by the Lok Satta Party’s citizen-centric politics.
Giving this information to the media here today, party General Secretaries Katari Srinivasa Rao and V. Laxman Balaji said that the Lok Satta UK comprising doctors, engineers and students is raising resources to help the Lok Satta face the 2009 elections and fighting for voting rights to NRIs. The campaign in the UK is led by Mr. Venkata Raghavan Guduri (raghava.guduri@googlemail.com). Some of the NRIs are planning to return to the country and play an active role in the Lok Satta Party by starting units in their States. Already Mr. Alok of Uttar Pradesh has returned to the country and started working for ushering in new politics.
NRIs in the UK will help the Lok Satta Party in opening citizen service centers in the country once the elections are over, Mr. Srinivasa Ra and Mr. Balaji said.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Threat to shut down Andhra colleges: Dr. JP lambasts KCR
Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today took strong exception to Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) President K. Chandrasekhara Rao’s threat to shut down corporate educational institutions being run by Andhra corporate entities once the Telangana State is carved out. “KCR’s threat is unconstitutional, illegal, undemocratic and detrimental to the unity and integrity of the country,” Dr. JP told a media conference here.
Dr. JP said that KCR’s threats have no place in a constitutional democracy. “Such threats are criminal and threaten the economic prosperity and growth of all Indians.”
Addressing meetings in Mahbubnagar district, Mr. Chandrasekhara Rao (KCR) is reported to have said that educational institutions floated by unemployed post-graduates in Telanagana suffered on account of institutions run by Andhra capitalists.
Quoting the Constitution, Dr. JP said, "There is only one Indian citizenship in the country. Every Indian wherever he or she is born is equal and enjoys the same right to pursue education, employment, profession or business."
Dr. JP said Mr. KCR is entitled 100 percent to agitate for a separate Telangana State by utilizing all the democratic means available. “In fact, Mr. KCR should be complimented for having led the agitation so far without triggering violence as in the past.” None can fault him if he got a separate Telangana formed by adhering to the procedure laid down in the Constitution. “The formation of a separate Telangana State is not a big deal when it is realized that there are more than 80 countries in the world which are smaller than a district in Andhra Pradesh. Whether a separate State will bring about any transformation in the lives of the people is altogether a different issue.”
“But rousing passions and fanning hatred among people of different regions in the name of a separate State is unpardonable, besides being illegal,” said Dr. JP.
Dr. JP wanted the people to “beware of politicians who ignite hared among them on the basis of caste or creed, religion or region and language or ethnicity to serve their narrow vote bank politics. Political parties are expected to harmonize conflicting interests and promote common good, and not to pursue divisive politics.”
Dr. JP referred to the Mala-Madiga confrontation in Andhra Pradesh and the Meena-Gujjar conflict in Rajasthan on the issue of reservations, the agitation against Hindi speaking people in Maharashtra and Assam on the issue of jobs for locals, the Maharashtra-Karnataka dispute over Belgaum, the Karnataka-Tamil Nadu row over river waters, not to speak of the Hindu-Muslim religious clashes all over the country and said the traditional political parties fuelled them unmindful that they threatened the unity and integrity of India.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Lok Satta exposes Babu’s double standards
The Lok Satta Party today accused Opposition leader N. Chandrababau Naidu of adopting double standards in promising to appoint a special court to go into corruption allegations against the Chief Minister and his family members while remaining silent on similar charges against him.
Those in public life should set an example to others by voluntarily seeking an inquiry if allegations are leveled against them, Lok Satta General Secretaries Katari Srinivasa Rao and Lakxman Balaji told the media here.
While welcoming Mr. Chandrababu Naidu’s attempts to launch an agitation at the national level against the Chief Minister, the Lok Satta Party contended that a short discussion in Parliament and formal representations to the head of State and others would not put an end to the scourge of corruption that has struck deep roots in Andhra Pradesh.
The Lok Satta leaders referred to the exchange of serious allegations of corruption against each other by Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy and Mr. N. Chandrababu Naidu and said the party was inclined to believe that “both of them are speaking the truth and nothing but the truth.” That was why the Lok Satta Party has been demanding the constitution of special courts to go into corruption charges against holding public office and confiscation of illegally acquired properties if the charges were proved.
“Mr. Chandrababu Naidu, who has turned a deaf ear to the Lok Satta demand so far, now wants a special court to be constituted to go into corruption charges against Dr. YSR, while maintaining a studied silence on charges against him. It is a case of the kettle calling the pot black,” the party leaders charged.
The Lok Satta asked why Mr. Chandrababu Naidu should have any reservations in welcoming an inquiry if he has nothing to fear. “Apparently, he is trying to use the inquiry as a stepping stone to come back to power”, the Lok Satta said.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Interim budget a damp squib: Lok Satta
Lok Satta Party expressed its dismay and disappointment over the interim budget presented by acting Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee today. Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, who asserted that extraordinary economic circumstances warranted extraordinary measures did not walk his talk by announcing any new package to arrest and reverse the downtrend in the Indian economy.
It was tragic that he preferred propriety to addressing the grave economic crisis in the country. The present Government might not get another opportunity to address the problems as its policymaking mechanism gets paralyzed once the election process is under way, said Lok Satta vice-president Mr. DVVS Varma, General Secretary Mr. V. Laxman Balaji.
They said that the global economic recession coupled with liquidity crunch has led to curtailment of production in a number of sectors ranging from automobiles to information technology, gems and jewellery to leather and textiles. Millions of people have been losing their jobs and livelihood in the wake of the economic crisis stalking the country.
Mr. Pranab Mukherjee did not unveil any package to address the grave problems facing the economy. Instead, he chose to list out the accomplishments of the UPA Government. Although higher allocations to some of the flagship programs of the UPA Government like the NREGS and NRHS are welcome, the UPA Government has failed to seize the opportunity of presenting an interim budget to mitigate the sufferings of common people.
Mr. Varma pointed out that poverty could be eradicated only if quality health care, education and job oriented skills and employment opportunities are provided to all and agriculture and allied sectors including traditional occupations are made remunerative. “Perpetuation of poverty suits the traditional parties because they will have an abundant reservoir of unskilled, unemployed and underemployed people ever ready for being hired as political workers.”
Interim budget a damp squib: Lok Satta (Telugu)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Lok Satta movement to work for political change
The Lok Satta movement will be enlightening the people on the need for changing the nature of politics during its second phase.
Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, the founder of the Lok Satta movement, and now President of the Lok Satta Party recalled that the NGO accomplished a number of reforms ranging from voter registration at post offices to disclosure of poll contestants’ criminal antecedents and from the Right to Information Act to the Gram Nayalaya Act. “But people’s living conditions cannot be improved unless politics is rid of corruption.” The Lok Satta movement, as part of its second phase, would be focusing on educating the public on the need for new politics and good governance.
Dr. JP was addressing a meeting on the occasion of election of new office-bearers of the Lok Satta movement. Mr. DVVS Varma, Vice President of the Lok Satta Party, said the Lok Satta movement was in the forefront of many democratic movements during the last ten years.
Mr. P. L. Narasimha Rao was elected Coordinator and Mr. Bandaru Rammohan Rao, General Secretary, of the movement. Ms Vijayalakshmi Baksh, Mr. T. Rajamouli, Mr. C. Yellaiah, Mr. Somasekhar and Mr. Meeneswara Rao were elected Secretaries.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Lok Satta to contest all six Mumbai parliamentary seats
With an eye on ensuing Lok Sabha elections, the Andhra Pradesh-based Lok Satta Party on Thursday announced its plans to contest all the six parliamentary seats of Mumbai.
National president of the party Jayaprakash Narayan, former IAS officer, addressing a press conference, here, announced the party plans and formation of Maharashtra chapter of Lok Satta.
“The future of Mumbai is linked to India and Lok Satta Party looks forward to contest general, state assembly and corporation elections from Mumbai,” Narayan said replying to a question why he chose the Mumbai.
Courtesy: Andhra Rajakeeyam
Railway investments in infrastructure Inadequate: Dr. JP
Railway investments in infrastructure have not been growing in tune with the growth in the economy, said Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today. As a result 80% of the freight is being moved by roads and only 20% by rail. Road traffic is expensive, pollutes the environment and results in innumerable accidents and heavy damage to roads.
Commenting on the railway budget, Dr. JP said that successive Governments have added only some 10,000 km of railway track since the country attained Independence. There is no reason why all of the districts barring the hilly ones cannot have a railway line. The track maintenance is so poor that the so-called super fast trains run at an average speed of 70 km an hour against 120-150 km in the developed world. The railways have not been able to meet the demand for train services by increasing the frequency because electronic signaling has not been introduced in most of the country. While in advanced countries one can travel across countries by walking into a railway station any time, here in India one has to book a ticket three months in advance or pay through the nose under the tatkal scheme to get a berth on a long-distance train. Nowhere in the developed world toilet waste from running train toilets is discharged on railway tracks. And the railways have failed to develop services in tune with the demand in metropolitan cities like Mumbai.
Dr. JP said members of Parliament should concern themselves with ensuring that trains are run fast and not slow them down by demanding a halt or a station in their constituencies. By developing effective linkages between bus and rail services, trains can be speeded up. Bus services should be encouraged to cover short distances and trains, long distances.
Dr. JP welcomed the introduction of some new trains and the proposal to introduce bullet trains. But the railways should introspect and ensure that its investments in infrastructure take the economy forward as railways are the economy’s lifeline. “Let not the railways miss the wood for trees”, he added. The improvement in the balance sheet of railways and the surplus of Rs. 25,000 crore in fiscal 2008 is welcome. But we need to take a long-term view and build the Indian Railways as an effective life line of our economy symbol of national integration.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Changing politics not easy, admits Dr. JP
Anarchy and dismemberment will overtake India if the nature of politics is not changed in the next few years, warned Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here. “But the job is incredibly difficult”, he told a group of students from MIT School of Government, Pune, who called on him at the party headquarters.
Dr. JP explained the problem faced by an ethical party like the Lok Satta in fighting an election. Both the Democratic and the Republican parties spent $866 million over two years in the U. S. presidential election. It is roughly equivalent to Rs.866 crore taking the currencies’ purchasing power parity. In contrast, the mainstream political parties in Andhra Pradesh are getting to ready to spend not less than Rs.4,000 crore in the 2009 general elections to the Assembly and the Lok Sabha. In the first-past-the-post electoral system, parties which cannot and do not raise black money and spend fall by the wayside unless people who want change translate their wish into voting.
Dr, JP said the present day political process has become so decrepit that after the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack the whole political class is being despised. “Simple despair and anger won’t help since the answer to corruption-ridden politics is politics built around an ethical platform like the Lok Satta Party.”
Dr. JP recalled that 500 princely States were integrated into the Indian Union not by the civil service or the judiciary but by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who enjoyed immense credibility and displayed outstanding competence.
Politics, Dr. JP defined, is the art of harmonizing conflicting interests more so in a vast and diverse country like India with the objective of promoting all-round happiness in every section of people, irrespective of their caste or religion, region or language. If interests are not aggregated and reconciled, the nation gets fractured and fragmented. However crooked they may be in many respects, large political parties in India have displayed maturity in attempting to harmonize conflicting interests. Sri Lanka has been going through an ethnic turmoil for more than three decades because its leaders had failed to resolve the dispute over the national language. The second prerequisite of politics is prudent use of limited resources to meet unlimited wants or needs.
Dr. JP pointed out that the Lok Satta as an NGO had accomplished a lot more than any other civil society organization in post-Independent India. It was largely instrumental in bringing about reforms like registration of voters at post offices, disclosure of criminal antecedents by contesting candidates, tightening of the anti-defection law, imposition of a ceiling on the size of Ministries, the law on political parties’ funding, the Right to Information Act, and the village courts Act. Yet the achievement was only 10 on a scale of 100. It took him 10 years to realize that real reforms could not be ushered in unless the nature of politics itself is transformed, Dr. JP added.
Dr. JP said in response to a question that the Lok Satta agenda envisaged provision of quality education, health care and employment skills to every one, making agriculture and traditional occupations sustainable and profitable and extension of social security to people in the unorganized sector. Empowerment of local governments and ensuring corruption-free governance are the other planks of the Lok Satta.
Committee on Telangana an Eye-wash: Lok Satta
The Chief Minister’s statement in the Assembly on constituting a committee on Telangana is aimed at reaping electoral advantage and not at respecting people’s sentiments, said the Lok Satta Party here today.
The Congress, which had contested the 2004 elections on the Telangana plank in alliance with the TRS, is now forced to go it alone because it did not bother to fulfill its promises on Telangana. Unable to answer the people in Telangana, the party is seeking a face-saver, party Vice President J. Irama Murthy and Secretary K. Gita Murthy told the media.
The Lok Satta accused the Chief Minister of deceiving people of all regions by recalling he had talked about objections to the formation of a separate Telangana from minorities and people of other regions and indicated to them that the division of the State was not on the cards. What was the point in appointing yet another committee since a committee headed by Union Minister Pranab Mukherjee is already seized of the issue, they asked.
The Lok Satta said that all the traditional parties are playing with Telangana people’s sentiments for electoral gains and said the change in the Telugu Desam Party’s support to Telangana too is not aimed at honoring their sentiments. Taking the people for a ride in the name of Telangana is not pardonable, although the issue whether a separate State will transform people’s lives in Telangana is debatable.
Far from evaluating the Government’s performance over the last five years in the last session of the legislature, the parties had wasted precious time wrangling and unveiled the shape of things to come if they were re-elected.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Lok Satta against ban on live coverage Of Assembly proceedings
The Lok Satta today opposed the move to put an end to the live TV coverage of Assembly proceedings taking the incidents in the Assembly on Wednesday as a pretext.
Briefing the media, Lok Satta Party Vice President Iramamurthy and Secretary J. Geeta Murthy said that notwithstanding the abuse of the proceedings to promote partisan political interests by different parties, live coverage would help people evaluate their representatives’ performance.
The Lok Satta pointed out that the issues surrounding Sakshi daily of Chief Minister’s son Jaganmohan Reddy and Heritage belonging to Opposition leader Chandrababu Naidu’s family could have been deliberated upon without wasting time over mutual recriminations. The House seems to have suspended all members of the Opposition indiscriminately, including several who did not disrupt the proceedings. Such a cavalier and partisan approach would only undermine faith in democracy. The party faulted the suspended leaders rebelling against marshals and some ordinary police acting as marshals.
If the political parties and their leaders were serious and sincere about fighting corruption, they should get a special court constituted to go into charges of illegal acquisition of properties by the Chief Minister and the leader of the Opposition.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Loksatta State Working Committee
- Beesetti A Babji
- J.Rama Murthy
- T.R.Jagannatha Reddy
- Jaganmohan Raju
- P.Kodanda Rama Rao
- B.Krishna Reddy
- N.Manorama
- Akurathi Murali Krishna
- K.V.N.Prasad
- G.Pratibha Rao
- Y.D.Rama Rao
- Jupalli Satyanarayana
- D.V.V.S.Varma
General Secreatries
- K.Dharma Reddy
- R.Jhansi Lakshmi
- V.Lakshman Balaji
- G.Malyadri
- G.Raja Reddy
- Katari Srinivasa Rao
- P.Bhaskara Rao
- K.Geetha Murthy
- K.Krishna Swamy
- A.Maharani
- U.Narendar
- Omkar
- G.Rama Raju
- Enugu Ramarao
- P.Ravi Maruth
- Sankaraiah
- B.Siva Kumar
- Sayyad
- K.G.Venkatesh
- Dommata Venkatesh
- Vijay Singh
- Vijayendar Reddy
- D.Vishnu Murthy
Joint Secretaries
- Aman Khan
- Chennayya
- N.Jayaprakash Narayan
- Kavya
- M.D.Gafoor
- Partha Sarathi
- Raja Reddy
- Y.Rama Devi
- Sambasiva Rao Chaudhary
- Sankaramma
- N.Sridhar
- Vajeer
Council Advisors
- D.Anand Reddy
- Thammareddy Bharadwaj
- Chandramouli
- Devendranath Pande
- Garimella Narayana
- C.Narasimha Rao
- Ankem Prabhakararao
- T.P.N.Prasad
- Bodepudi Satyanarayana
- Upendra Varma
- Aluri Vijaya Lakshmi
Contact information of Lok Satta Karnataka Office bearers
The silent majority of people who are fed up with the present day political culture and yearning for change will have a platform of their own with the formal launching of the Karnataka unit of the Lok Satta Party on Thursday, February 5.
Traditional political parties and politicians have turned the once noble profession of politics into a privately or family-owned lucrative business. Acquiring power at any cost has become the single point program of most politicians as it facilitates personal enrichment at public cost. Therefore, they use money, liquor and muscle power to induce or threaten voters. They fan feelings of hatred and spark violence in the name of caste or religion, region or language in a bid to gain political mileage. Their investment in elections yields them fantastic returns once they come to power which opens up innumerable avenues for making money.
Overtaken by despair and despondency over their inability to change the corrupt and rotten political culture, large sections of people have developed revulsion for politics altogether and started treating it as untouchable. They do not even go to the polling booth, leave alone contesting elections because in election after election they have seen only a change in players but not in the rules of the game.
But by keeping away from politics, these sections are silently but unwittingly perpetuating the old order to continue. They forget that politics and elections are about the lives of citizens and not about the careers and fortunes of politicians and parties.
It is to provide an ethical and political platform with a clear-headed, honest and practical agenda to such people the Lok Satta Party came into existence on October 2, 2006 under the leadership of Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan.
Dr. JP, as he is popularly known quit the IAS to found Lok Satta, a civil society movement, and helped bring about radical reforms in a number of areas ranging from voter registration to political parties’ funding, disclosure of contestants’ criminal background to the enshrine of the right to information. Yet, the realization that real change in society comes through political action, and not through civil society action, made Dr. JP launch the Lok Satta Party.
In its short existence of a little over two years, the Lok Satta Party has repeatedly demonstrated it is a class apart from the traditional parties.
Karnataka State Coordinator: Dr. Keshava Kumar
1/1 1st Floor,
6th Cross,
Cheluvaiah Layout,
Ramamurthy Nagar,
Bengaluru - 560016
Mobile No: 98441 23536
Email address: drkeshavakumar [AT] hotmail [DOT] com
Karnataka State Secretary: Mr. Ashok Kamat
601, 3rd D Cross,
2nd Block,
Bengaluru - 560043
Mobile No: 99642 31891
Email address: ashokkamat [AT] hotmail [DOT] com
Karnataka State Treasurer: Mr. Shashidhar Alabur
196, 1st Main,
3rd Stage, 4th Block,
Basaveshvar Nagar,
Bengaluru - 560079
Mobile No: 98440 04439
Email address: shashialabur [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Congress & BJP letting down country: Lok Satta
The Lok Satta Party today faulted both the Congress and the BJP for not attempting to insulate the country from the global economic recession by utilizing its abundant human resources.
Commenting on the New Delhi and Nagpur election conclaves of the Congress and the BJP, party General Secretary Katari Srinivasa Rao and Secretary Ravi Maruth pointed out that both parties’ single-point agenda seemed to be getting into power at any cost. While the Congress focused its attention on perpetuating subsidies and dynastic rule, the BJP revived the ‘Ram mantra’ to reap electoral advantage.
The Lok Satta said that the BJP had not learnt any lessons from the setback it suffered in the December 2009 elections to five State Assemblies, despite its attempt to exploit religion and extremism. It was unbecoming for a national party like the BJP to embrace a divisive agenda for short-term political gain. The Congress, which had invited even district and samithi-level party leaders to its Delhi conclave, did not unveil any new initiatives. APCC President D. Srinivas let the cat out of the bag when he rhetorically asked, “What is wrong in issuing party ticket to children of leaders to contest elections?”
Mr. Srinivasa Rao and Mr. Ravi Maruth pointed out that the growing corruption, communal hatred and the collapse of the rural economy could be attributed to the failed UPA and NDA Government policies. “The future of 50,000 of the 60,000 children born in India every day is decided the moment they are born, based on the family or caste in which they are born. It is a matter of shame for the civil society and the political system in the 21st century. The national parties should strive to provide quality education, health care and employment skills to every one without any discrimination, and promote the one India-one people concept”.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Lok Satta elections historic: Dr. JP
Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said here today that the Lok Satta Party has for the first time in 30 years of Indian politics elected its Working Committee democratically and by secret ballot.
Releasing the list of members of the party at a media conference, Dr. JP said the party constitution provided for the mandatory representation for women, SC, ST and BC communities and minorities.
The party President nominated some competent leaders to the Working Committee to ensure representation to all districts and sections.
Dr. JP told a meeting of candidates who had already been announced to contest the Assembly elections that they should fight like soldiers since elections were only 60 days away. They should be prepared to make any sacrifice needed to preserve and protect Lok Satta’s ideology. “Millions of people have pinned great hopes on the Lok Satta. People won’t forgive us if we let them down.”
Dr. JP told the contestants that they should strive for victory without waiting for any electoral alliances and raise local resources without depending on the party headquarters for assistance.
Dr. JP said that a Campaign Committee under the leadership of movie director Tammareddy Bharadwaja had been constituted.
Referring to news reports that both Chief Minister Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy and Opposition leader N. Chandrababu Naidu had illegally amassed wealth and helped their children through irregular means, Dr. JP wanted them to respond to the allegations. He wanted a special court to be set up to go into the allegations and confiscation of their properties, if the allegations were proved. Although both leaders appeared to be indulging in serious exchanges, both of them ultimately dodged the inquiry issue after a lengthy discussion in the Assembly last year.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Lok Satta demands seizure of black money Secreted in Swiss banks
The Lok Satta Party today demanded that the Government of India unearth and seize nearly 70 lakh crores of rupees stashed away in Swiss banks by Indian politicians and others. The huge money would come in handy to take up infrastructure and other projects that generate employment and reverse the downturn in the Indian economy.
The State Council of the Lok Satta Party, which met here today with party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan in the chair, recalled that the Swiss Government as early as in 2006 had told the Government of India that it was prepared to give details of Indian’s deposits in Swiss banks if it made a request. The new disclosure norms came into force following the abuse of the system by terrorist elements. Strangely, both the Government and the Opposition parties have not bothered to pursue the Swiss offer for obvious reasons.
The resolution pointed out that a crore of acres can be irrigated with an investment of Rs. one lakh crore, and the entire arable area in the country can be irrigated with an investment of Rs.25 lakh crore. The remainder of Rs.45 lakh crore can be utilized to build roads and industries and provide employment to millions of the unemployed.
Briefing the media, party spokesman Katari Srinivasa Rao and Working Committee member Laxman Balaji said that the resolution called upon the party cadre to ensure that the Lok Satta was voted in the next elections since it alone could initiate measures for getting the black money secreted in Swiss banks by Indians.
The State Council meeting was attended by about 300 members comprising presidents of district and municipal corporation units, and elected and nominated members.
The party set a new trend when candidates contesting for various posts had to make a presentation to the delegates as to why they should be elected.
Lok Satta Party rises in Karnataka
Dr. JP’s call for the launch of the Second Freedom Struggle
The silent majority of people who are fed up with the present day political culture and yearning for change will have a platform of their own with the formal launching of the Karnatka unit of the Lok Satta Party on Thursday, February 5.
Traditional political parties and politicians have turned the once noble pursuit of politics into a privately or family-owned lucrative business. Acquiring power at any cost has become the single point program of most politicians as it facilitates personal enrichment at public cost. Therefore, they use money, liquor and muscle power to induce or threaten voters. They fan feelings of hatred and spark violence in the name of caste or religion, region or language in a bid to gain political mileage. Their investment in elections yields them fantastic returns once they come to power which opens up innumerable avenues for making money.
Overtaken by despair and despondency over their inability to change the corrupt and rotten political culture, large sections of people have developed revulsion for politics altogether and started treating it as untouchable. They do not even go to the polling booth, leave alone contesting elections because in election after election they have seen only a change in players but not in the rules of the game.
But by keeping away from politics, these sections are silently but unwittingly perpetuating the old order to continue. They forget that politics and elections are about the lives of citizens and not about the careers and fortunes of politicians and parties.
It is to provide an ethical and political platform with a clear-headed, honest and practical agenda to such people the Lok Satta Party came into existence on October 2, 2006 under the leadership of Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan.
Dr. JP, as he is popularly known quit the IAS to found Lok Satta, a civil society movement. Lok Satta worked with governments, parties and civil society to bring about radical reforms in a number of areas ranging from voter registration to political parties’ funding, disclosure of contestants’ criminal background to the right to information law. Yet, the realization that real change in society comes through political action, and not through civil society action, made Dr. JP launch the Lok Satta Party.
In its short existence of a little over two years, the Lok Satta Party has repeatedly demonstrated it is a class apart from the traditional parties.
It is the only party which has conducted organizational elections by secret ballot and chosen its leaders at all levels democratically.
It is the only party which collects donations only by way of cheque and places its income and expenditure statements on its website for public scrutiny.
It is the only party which has reserved 50 percent of its leadership positions to youth and one-third to women and ensured positions to SCs, STs and BCs.
It is the only party which embraces an inclusive, practical, acceptable and national approach, transcending region and religion, caste and class.
It is the only party which does not inconvenience the public by calling for bandhs and rasta rokos and does not indulge in politics of abuse and character assassination.
It is the only party, which has come up with a powerful and practicable agenda to enhance human capabilities, and to promote dignity, opportunity and justice. The key elements of the agenda are:
- High quality education, universal and comprehensive public healthcare (no more out-of-pocket burden for hospital costs), skills to guarantee employment
- Setting up National Volunteer Corps to enable youth to serve the country and make a living
- A rational, fair and inclusive approach to reservations. Opposition to unconstitutional expansion of reservations (beyond 50%) and deepening caste divisions -- 10% bonus marks in competitive exams to students of poor, rural families irrespective of caste Your browser may not support display of this image. Opportunities for growth for everyone, irrespective of circumstances of birth, through quality education upto 12th class guaranteed to all children.
- Access to higher education to all youngsters who deserve and desire it, irrespective of means.
- Directly elected and fully-empowered district governments Your browser may not support display of this image. Additional funds directly to the village and urban ward governments (Rs.1000/- per capita, times the population) to implement village manifestos Your browser may not support display of this image. Developing small towns with modern infrastructure. In-situ urbanization to create jobs locally and reduce migration to cities.
- Police and Judicial Reforms: Independent, impartial, accountable crime investigation, speedy and accessible justice through local courts, procedural reforms to eliminate law’s delays, an Indian Judicial Service, and a National Judicial Commission to ensure proper appointments and enforce accountability in Higher Judiciary.
- Zero tolerance of corruption: Independent, unified, effective anti-corruption agency, special courts in every district to try corruption cases, Forfeiture of assets of corrupt public servants and end to money laundering. Assets of the corrupt to be seized for public use Your browser may not support display of this image. Fusing of state authority with public accountability
- Revitalizing agriculture by credit, input and marketing reforms; expanding agro-industries for enhancing rural incomes
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Dr. JP condemns resort to violence
Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today deplored and condemned the growing tendency among political and social organizations to resort to violence at the slightest pretext without realizing they are undermining democracy and the Constitution by their actions.
Dr. JP was addressing a media meet on the occasion of Mr. J. Bhagawat Rao, former Chairman of the Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation Standing Committee and more than 20 other leaders joining the Lok Satta Party at the party headquarters.
Dr. JP referred to the Youth Congress attack on the Tirupati office of Andhra Jyoti, the MRPS raid on the residence of Mr. S. Satyanarayana, M.P., in Hyderabad and the Ram Sene’s chasing of women from a pub in Managalore and said all these incidents reflected the tendency among people to take law into their own hands as they could not tolerate dissent.
Dr. JP appealed to leaders of political parties to rein in their followers and set an example to others in respecting rule of law, democracy and the Constitution. Especially, the party in power should show restraint. In this connection he quoted Voltaire who said, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
In response to a question on the desecration of the guesthouse attached to the TTD temple in Hyderabad, Dr. JP demanded that the guilty be punished immediately. But a real solution lay in insulating religious institutions from political influence. “Secularism implies the separation of State from the church. It is possible only when Governments do not treat religious institutions as sinecures for political rehabilitation. The laws will have to be suitably amended”.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Telangana MBC and Dalit Leaders Join Loksatta
Influx into Lok Satta continues
A number of BC and Dalit organization leaders headed by MBC (most backward class) leader and senior journalist Dommata Venkateswarlu joined the Lok Satta Party in the presence of party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan.
The Lok Satta has been witnessing an influx of leaders from downtrodden sections into the party since January 2009.
Mr. Venkateswarlu and others told the media today that the Lok Satta Party’s democratic functioning and its social justice agenda had attracted them. They believed that the Lok Satta alone would render justice to the downtrodden sections.
The leaders included Mr. P. Anjaneyulu, Dr. Sriramulu, Mr. Ch. Suresh, Mr. Gundu Venkatesam, Mr. Sassa Yadagiri, Mr. Rammurthy, Mr. Yadaiah, Mr. Kirankumar Gowd and Mr. Purnachander.
Lok Satta office-bearers to be elected on Sunday
Elections to the Lok Satta Party’s State Working Committee will take place at the party headquarters here on Sunday, February 8. Six vice presidents, three general secretaries, five secretaries and five joint secretaries will be elected.
Giving this information, party spokesman Katari Srinivasa Rao and election supervisor J. V. Krishna Rao told the media today that the electorate comprises the newly elected district and municipal corporation presidents and secretaries, nine State Council members from each district, and members co-opted by all of them. The election results will be announced by the evening.
Mr. Srinivasa Rao urged the Government to modify the terms of the qualifications stipulated in G. O. No. 11 for recruitment and promotion of school assistants. A large number of students have graduated by opting for new and contemporary subjects whereas the G. O. refers to subjects of the British era. Unless the G. O. is amended, a large number of people will find themselves ineligible, Mr. Srinivasa Rao said.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Govt. funding Congress electioneering: Lok Satta
The Lok Satta Party said today the Government has given a new definition to State funding of elections by unveiling schemes that fetch votes to the ruling party at the cost of the exchequer. It is, therefore, no surprise that the Government has given a goby to propriety and used the ‘vote-on-account’ budget to announce schemes that promote the ruling party’s interests and ensured that non-Plan expenditure is much more than Plan expenditure.
Talking to the media, Mr. D. V. V. S. Varma, Lok Satta Party General Secretary, said the allocation of Rs.825 core to the Department of Information and Public Relations in the budget exposes the ruling party’s designs to utilize Government funds for propaganda purposes also.
Mr. Varma regretted that the Government persisted with its policy of providing sops and freebies by viewing people as voting machines in flesh and blood instead of treating them with dignity and enabling them to stand on their own feet. The food subsidy scheme is going to cost Rs.3000 crore during 2009-10 because the Government is not interested in weeding out bogus cards and ensuring that only the deserving got rations. The Government does not pay attention to ensuring supply of quality power even as it spends Rs.5000 crore on subsidy.
Mr. Varma said Finance Minister K. Rosaiah was indulging in cock and bull stories when he claimed the Government imposed no new taxes. How could the Government claim a revenue of Rs.16,000 crore from liquor sales when it was committed to reducing liquor consumption in stages?
Mr. Varma also faulted the Government for not taking the economic downturn all over the country seriously.
Lok Satta promises package for Rayalaseema
The Lok Satta will announce an exclusive package for the development of the backward Rayalaseema region and bring about reforms in police administration to eradicate criminal culture once and for all.
The Lok Satta Party’s Campaign Committee for Rayalaseema region announced today that if elected to power the party would curb corruption in the TTD and utilize the funds thus saved for promoting education and health care. It would also expedite all pending irrigation projects in the region.
Messrs. G. Malyadri, T. R. Jagannadha Reddy, Mallikarjun, H. Vasantamma, Nabi Rasul and Jaganmohana Raju are the committee members.
Talking to the media, the committee members noted that although the Chief Ministers for the last 15 years happened to be from Rayalaseema, the region continued to remain backward. The Governments had not tried to provide irrigation facilities to the drought-prone regions. On the contrary, it was dispossessing farmers of their lands in the name of industrialization. The Lok Satta would render justice to the region by ensuring equitable distribution of river waters and by promoting agriculture.
The Lok Satta would also expose dynastic politics and how the youth of the region were used as pawns in factional politics. The Lok Satta would facilitate access to quality education, health care, job-oriented skills and employment opportunities to all.
The Lok Satta wanted the Chief Minister to ensure free and fair polling in Pulivendula and get reelected from his home constituency since he claims to have done all that can be done for the State’s development.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lok Satta agenda for Telangana
The Lok Satta is not opposed to the formation of a separate Telangana State but it believes that a solution to its problems lies in total decentralization of power and resources through formation of district governments.
The Lok Satta Party’s Election Campaign Committee members told the media that a separate State could always be carved out if the people wished it, by following the procedure prescribed in the Constitution. When more than 80 countries in the world are less in area than a district in Andhra Pradesh, formation of a Telangana State is not a big deal.
The Campaign Committee comprises Prof. Kodandarama Rao, Mr. Bodepudi Satyanarayana, Mr. K. Dharma Reddy, Mr. Dommata Venkateswarlu, Mr. Juluri Satyanarayana and Mrs. Gita Murthy.
The members said their agenda for Telangana includes:
- Constitution of a tribunal to allocate river waters equitably to all districts
- Formation of 400 new towns to spur commercial and industrial development
- Provision of road and bus facilities to every village
- 24-hour power supply to every village
- Provision of quality power to the farm sector and Government compensation for motors damaged by voltage fluctuations
- Protected drinking water supply to every village
- Employment opportunities to a million youth
- Uplift of 10 million people above the poverty line
- Closure of belt shops and gudumba outlets and restriction on liquor consumption
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Beware of caste wars, warns Lok Satta
Andhra Pradesh, which has had the distinction of producing stalwarts dedicated to eradicating caste, is being turned into a theatre for caste wars, bemoaned Lok Satta Party leaders here today.
Mr. Ravi Maruth, a member of the Lok Satta Party’s Campaign Committee for Coastal Andhra, told a media conference that leaders like Gurajada Apparao, Kattamcanchi Ramalinga Reddy, Raghupati Venkataratnam Naidu, Tirupuraneni Ramaswami Chowdary, Putchalapalli Sundaraiah and Tapi Dharma Rao strove all their lives to bury the caste six fathoms deep. “In contrast, politicians of the day are stirring up the caste cauldron and providing to gain the maximum political mileage. Each traditional party is identified with one caste, and the state is becoming a theatre of caste wars and intense, unhealthy competition for power as an end in itself”
Mr. Ravi Maurth, and the other members of the Campaign Committee -- Mrs. Gouthu Jhansi Lakshmi, Mrs. S. Manorama and Mr. Akurati Murali Krishna -- pointed out that social justice did not mean dividing the spoils of political power among leaders of different castes. “Social justice in Lok Satta’s perception is ensuring quality education and health care and skills and opportunities for growth to all irrespective of caste and religion. Poverty is the real disease which should be eradicated, and every citizen should have the opportunity to stand on her own feet with dignity”
In response to a question whether the Lok Satta Party is not being led by a forward caste man, Mr. Akurati Muralikrishna, State Convener of BC Forum who joined the Lok Satta recently, said leaders like him who fought against atrocities on the downtrodden did not inquire to which caste writers like Sri Sri and Ravi Sastry (Rachakonda Viswanatha Sastry) belonged. “Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, the Lok Satta founder, has been chosen as party President like all others in the party in elections by secret ballot. It is the only party, which has given opportunities to all with leadership mettle without ascertaining their caste and family background.”
The Campaign Committee will be visiting Coastal Andhra districts from February 9 to spread the Lok Satta’s agenda among the public. The Lok Satta is the only party, which has come up with a 50-point program for resolving people’s problems. The will appeal to youth to join the party and own it.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Lok Satta Party decides on 2nd List of MLA Candidates
…..49 Names examined by Party’s Core Committee
- Announces launch of massive public campaign
The Lok Satta Party evaluated the Party’s 2nd list of 49 candidates for the forthcoming Assembly general elections. The names will be finalized and announced to the public in a couple of days. The Party’s Core Committee met in Hyderabad today and was chaired by Party President Jayaprakash Narayan. Briefing the media, Party Spokesmen Katari Srinivasa Rao and P. Ravi Maruth gave the details…
“The Party has recently and successfully completing its historic organizational elections; Party’s policies on important public issues too were released to the public over the preceding several months. Now, the Party has decided to focus totally and completely on upcoming parliament and assembly elections. The 1st List of 36 candidates was already released to the public in December, 2008. The 2nd List is currently being finalized,” said K. Srinivasa Rao and Ravi Maruth.
They also revealed, “the Party’s Screening Committee will be meeting 18 potential candidates tomorrow (February 3rd). This committee will be releasing the entire list of candidates within a few days. A special ‘training’ camp on political strategies and electoral campaigning will be held on the 9th of this month for the Lok Satta Party’s Assembly Candidates announced in the 1st and 2nd lists.”
“The Core Committee also announced the launch of a massive public campaign that will reach out to anywhere between 50 lakhs and 1 crore citizens. This mass campaign will help in the consolidation of support for Lok Satta Party and conversion of this support into votes and electoral outcomes. The Party President Jayaprakash Narayan along with the entire team of Party’s leadership will be extensively touring all districts of the State, as a part of this campaign. Starting from this month, Dr.JP will be campaigning among the public at least five days of the week.”
Dr. JP to decide on poll alliances issue
The Spokespersons informed the media, “The Lok Satta Party has reiterated its openness to poll alliances towards truly transform people’s lives and change politics. The Core Committee also announced that Dr. JP will decide upon the issue of poll alliances; a resolution was passed to this effect. At the same time, the Party is preparing for contesting from all constituencies.”